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Pour Over Coffee

Pour over coffee is the best way to extract all the subtle flavors of a coffee bean. You know, that strange shaped glass beaker that looks like it should be in a science experiment? The Chemex coffee maker makes the best cup of coffee we ‘ve tried. And we’ve tried a bunch, from French press to Moka pot. But for a consistently good cup of joe: it’s the Chemex hands down.

Here’s how to make a perfect pot of pour over coffee!

  • Heat your filtered water to 200 to 205 degrees. We recommend an electric pour over coffee kettle to heat the water.
  • Weigh and grind. Use a kitchen scale to weigh out the coffee. For 2 cups of coffee, we suggest you use 28 grams of coffee that equals about 5.5 tablespoons. Grind it out to a medium coarse grind. We really enjoy our A la Orden light roast beans for pour over coffee, which makes the flavors truly shine.
  • Add the filter and coffee, and let it bloom. Next, you’ll wet the Chemex coffee filter, then add the coffee and let the it bloom for 1 minute (wet the grounds and let it sit). The bloom releases CO2 from the coffee and causes the grinds to rise.
  • Add water. Then add the rest of your water to make your pour over coffee! Our ratio is for every 1 gram of coffee, use 17 grams of water. So for 28 grams of coffee, we used 472 grams of water that equals about 2 cups of water.

And that’s all there is to it! Once you try it a few times it will start to become second nature. It is absolutely worth the few extra minutes it takes to use a Chemex coffee maker. Because it truly makes our perfect cup of coffee.

Nitro Brew Coffee for your Office, Business or Food Truck!
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