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Cold Brewed

Cold brewed coffee isn’t quite the same thing as iced coffee, though it’s often served chilled and over ice. Rather than using hot water, cold-brew is made by steeping coffee grinds in room temp water. There aren’t fancy machines or equipment required, and it’s down right easy to make at home. While this method does produce a great tasting cup of coffee, it takes about 12 hours, so plan ahead.

Here’s how to make a cold brewed coffee!

  • Gather ingredients. You will need 4 cups of filtered water and 1 cup of coarsely ground coffee. We recommend our Pura Vida Costa Rican coffee.
  • Add and pour. In a large mason jar or container, add your ground coffee. Slowly pour 4 cups of water into the jar over the grounds as you stir until the coffee is thoroughly saturated.
  • Cover and steep. Cover the jar with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. Let it steep no less than 12 hours.
  • Filter the grounds from the coffee. Pour slowly and stop as needed to avoid overflowing the filter. Any filter system will do the trick, so use whatever is most convenient for you: A paper coffee filter set inside a funnel is quick and easy and not to mention inexpensive. A fine-mesh strainer or sieve can also be used to catch any larger particles.
  • Storage. Store your cold brew in an air tight container in your refrigerator. Cold brew coffee will stay fresh and full of flavor for up to two weeks!

Pretty easy, right? Finish it off with your favorite cream and sweeteners or simply serve black over ice for a truly refreshing experience.

Nitro Brew Coffee for your Office, Business or Food Truck!
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